Free Philodendron Red Emerald Plants

In the right conditions this Philodendron will grow quite rapidly into a luxuriant plant. Its glossy leaves and upright habit make it a useful specimen plant for display, initially on a table then, as it grows larger, on the floor. To grow and display the plant to best effect it is a good idea to train it up a moss pole. Initially, the stem can be attached to the moss pole with wire rings. With time though, the plant should produce aerial roots, which will root into the moss around the pole, provided that the moss is kept evenly moist. This can be achieved easily by regularly misting the moss with tepid water using a hand mister. With its fleshy leaves and stem this Philodendron can become rather heavy, so the support provided by the moss pole is essential.

Plant type : Foliage plant with climbing habit
Season of interest : All year round
Size : 100-200cm (39—78in)
Flower : None
Leaf : Elongated, heart-shaped, 15-20cm (6—8in) long, 7.5-17.5cm (3—Sin) wide, green with reddish tinge
Temperature : 16-21°C (61—70°F)
Aspect/Light : Moderate light
Humidity : Moderate to high
Watering : Evenly moisten compost in spring and summer; keep drier in autumn and winter
Feeding : Once every two to four weeks with houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer
Propagation : Plant 10cm (4in) tip or stem cutting in seed and cutting compost at 21°C (70°F) in late spring to early summer
Potting : Houseplant potting compost
Problems : Mealy bug, root rot from over-watering
Availability : Occasionally available throughout year
Uses indoors : Feature plant for lounge or dining room; useful in office as specimen plant or in associated planting
Other varieties : P. 'Green Emerald' - green leaves