Free Chrysanthemum Morifolium Plants

acalypha hispida plant
The 'AYR’ in this plant’s common name means All Year Round. However, this does not refer to any ability to remain in flower throughout the year, merely to the fact that it is always available in flower from plant stockists. The plant is tricked into flowering out ofseason by using blackout material to give it an artificially short day and long night. It is also treated with chemicals to retard the growth at dwarfsize. The plant is therefore not an ideal subject for a permanent indoor plant, but worth using for a few weeks to provide a quick burst of colour. After this time the Chrysanthemum can be planted in the garden, where it will revert to its natural form. The habit will change dramatically, as the plant grows much taller, and the flowers will be produced in the autumn. Plants grown from cuttings will also reach normal size.

Plant type : Flowering plant with erect, bushy habit
Season of interest : Available in flower throughout year
Size : 20-30cm (8—12in)
Flower : Multi-petalled in ray formation 5-6.5cm (2-2.5in) across, yellow, orange, pink, bronze, purple, red and white
Leaf : Multi-lobed, 7.5cm (3in) long, mid green
Temperature : 15-19°C (59 — 66°F)
Aspect/Light : Well-lit position with exposure to sunlight, but some protection from excessive levels
Humidity : Moderate to high
Watering : Evenly moisten compost in growing period
Feeding : Once every two weeks with flowering plant fertilizer in growing period
Propagation : Plant 7.5-10cm (3—4in) tip cuttings in seed and cutting compost at 20-22°C (68—72°F)
Potting : Flouseplant potting compost
Problems : Aphid, red spider mite, thrips
Availability : Commonly available throughout year
Uses indoors : Ideal for providing splash of colour in lounge, dining room, office, and most other rooms that are well lit and not too warm